Professional Afternoon

May 21, 2021

1:30 – 2:00

Department Check-in Teachers & Assistants
Facilitator Zoom Link
    Tali – Hebrew Dept.
    Helaine – English Dept.
    Josee – French Dept.
    Melina – Learning center

2:00 – 3:30

Grade Team Meetings  Teachers Facilitator Zoom Link
Parent/teacher conference preparation   K Team: Tali
Cross Curricular Competency – Choose one and complete for final term   Gr. 1: Josee & Melina
Class split revisions   Gr. 2: Cindy
Call logs   Gr. 3: Josee & Melina
    Gr. 4: Stacey
    Gr. 5: Rabbi Grossman & Drew
    Gr. 6: Helaine & Tali
DEPARTMENT MEETINGS / Working Session  Specialists Facilitator  
Learning Center   Melina
STEAM   Nick R.
Class Management & More  Assistants Stephen & Stephanie

2:45 – 3:00

Coffee – Snack Break      

3:30 – 4:15

  Zoom Link    
Staff Meeting  All Educational Staff Rabbi Grossman



Shabbat shalom

Have a nice weekend

Bon week-end