Judaic Studies

Tali Revah-Sibony

Director of Judaic Studies

Hours: Students receive 9 hours per week of Judaic Studies.

The Judaic Studies curriculum of Akiva School is designed to promote the knowledge, ethics and commitment to Jewish life, ideals and values through the acquisition of the Hebrew language and exploration of Jewish concepts, themes and traditional texts.

The Judaic Studies program is organized around the following concepts:

  • Self-awareness
  • Connection to the Kehila (community)
  • Connection to the Land of Israel
  • Spirituality and connection to God

The following themes are explored:

  • Jewish holidays and traditions
  • Jewish prayer
  • Shabbat
  • Biblical text
  • Jewish identity, history, responsibility
  • Israel
  • Ethics of our fathers (Pirkei Avot)

In addition, the Judaic component promotes Jewish values and concepts through genuine experiential and learning activities as well as authentic celebrations of Jewish lifecycle events throughout the year.

Hebrew language exposure incorporates communicative language activities and learning of key vocabulary from traditional and liturgical texts.

Our mission is to teach traditional knowledge and promote meaningful experiences.  We promote pride in our Jewish heritage and commitment to our people and moral principles.  Our school is inclusive and diverse in its approach and intellectual openness; we teach traditional knowledge and experience.