Message from the Assistant Head – Teaching and Learning
“The world exists for the sake of kindness.” Rashi
A mission of kindness has been placed at the forefront of our educational journey. Kindness is something we learn by reproducing it. Kindness breeds happiness. Happy children learn better, have peer acceptance, better health, less stress, stronger self-esteem, increased gratitude, and greater levels of concentration. This year, we’ve focussed on caring for others, empathy and community in a number of school initiatives:
We’re All Wonders – Common Read
Our school wide literary experience set the challenge: To find something good in everyone! With their big brother/little sister, each student put on their virtual glasses, bringing to life their vision of kindness.
Staff Retreat – Dare to Care
Relationships are at the heart of leadership and teaching. School climate and culture need to be part of an ethos of love, forgiveness, and caring. These values need to be communicated and lived daily by every adult, every student and in every interaction. The Akiva staff had the opportunity to deepen their learning with Lisa Dixon-Wells, founder of the Dare to Care program. Children may not remember all of what their teachers say, but they will always remember how they made them feel.
Innovation Lab – an open space for community building
If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere. Technology in education or innovation is not a field trip. It is rooted in good pedagogy. Our aim is to provide authentic learning experiences, deepen understanding and leave a lasting impact on both skills and life experiences. Inspiration is the base of it all.
Have a wonderful winter holiday. Stay safe and ignite your kindness superpower!