
Hours: Students receive 9.5 hours per week of English instruction.

At Akiva, literacy is more than reading and writing – it

is about how we communicate as readers, writers and speakers in society. Our English Language Arts curriculum is theme based.

These ever-changing themes;  outer space, inventions, children around the world, oceans, fairy tales, Canada, Shakespeare, medieval times, the holocaust, business study and art history (along-side many others) provide  context for learning, heighten critical thinking and global awareness.

Our curriculum in based on the Quebec Education Plan (QEP) competencies:

  • Reads and listens to spoken, written and media texts
  • Produces written and media texts
  • Uses language to communicate and learn


High quality, high expectations:

  •  Staffing: A teacher and teaching assistant present in every class
  • Center-based instruction: Provides students with creative hands on material
  • Small group instruction:  Differentiation tailored to meet the needs of all learners
  • Common Read: A celebration of literacy – kindergarten to grade 6
  • Technology:  Consistently used throughout the program to support and enhance leaning goals

Through reading, writing and communicating for various audiences and purposes, students:

  • Use knowledge of words to read fluently
  • Recognize all texts must be questioned, assessed, evaluated and appreciated
  • Develop strategies  to make meaningful connections between themselves, what they encounter in texts, and the world around them
  • Appreciate the power of the written word
  • Use language to become confident capable speakers and respectful reflective listeners

Our students learn in a safe and supportive environment that promotes a risk-taking trial-and-error approach. Decoding, comprehending, analyzing, synthesizing, producing text and media are ever present.  Each element literacy acquisition and is meaningful, purposeful and authentic.  Lessons are for life.