by Cindy Warren | Jan 19, 2015 | Blog, My Jewish Journey
In the course of the Torash reading, we are told about Pharaoh’s repeated rejections of the Jew’s request to go free. Three different verbs are used in this week’s Torah portion centering on the plagues to indicate the hardening of the Pharoah’s heart: Kasha (k-sh-h),...
by Cindy Warren | Jan 12, 2015 | Blog
My family and I have just returned safely from Israel. We were fortunate to have had two weeks of time to spend with our two sons studying outside Jerusalem and with extended family and friends. We met families from our Akiva community and had the zechut (good...
by Cindy Warren | Jan 12, 2015 | Blog
When we study about Chanukah, we tend to focus on the miracle of the Menorah, and forget about the main purpose of the holiday, the victory of the Maccabees. But it is in this battle that we learn lessons about building a Jewish identity. The historical context of the...
by Cindy Warren | Dec 9, 2014 | Blog, My Jewish Journey
This week I would like to share an article by Rabbi Sacks on this week’s Parshat Vayeshev: Vayeshev (5771) – Speech Therapy
by Cindy Warren | Dec 4, 2014 | Blog, My Jewish Journey
Each week the leadership of our school takes the time to study Torah. Our focus this year is on tefilla, the daily prayers, and we are currently studying the morning blessings. The purpose of the morning blessings is to wake us up spiritually and to enable us to be...
by Cindy Warren | Nov 27, 2014 | Blog, My Jewish Journey
One of the highlights of the parsha this week is the dream of Jacob, where he has a vision of angels ascending and descending a ladder. There are multiple interpretations of this dream and its purpose in shaping the future of Jacob as the father of the nation of...