Parshat Bamidbar – Everyone Counts

Parshat Bamidbar – Everyone Counts

Next week we will be commemorating the holiday known as Yom Yerushalayim, celebrating the reunification of Jerusalem after the 1967 war. After the UN partition plan and resulting Arab-Israeli war, the old city of Jerusalem remained under Jordanian rule. Many...
Recipe for Parshat Bamidbar

Recipe for Parshat Bamidbar

Wandering through the “dessert” (from This week’s parsha, Parshat Bamidbar, is the opening to a new book of the Torah called Bamidbar or Numbers. This parsha introduces us to the 12 tribes of Israel and their encampment in the desert. Each tribe had...
Lag Ba-Omer Recipe Treat!

Lag Ba-Omer Recipe Treat!

This Sunday we will celebrate the holiday of Lag Ba-Omer, marking the 33rd day of the period of counting between Passover and Shavuot. In Israel, there is a tradition of having barbecues and bonfires. For our recipe this week, we invite you to make your favorite...
Parsha recipe – Parshat Behar

Parsha recipe – Parshat Behar

This week’s parsha details the laws of the Shmitta year – the seventh year in a cycle during which time no planting was allowed. This was to give the land a sabbatical year. For this week we are making cupcakes with green sprinkles to symbolize the growth of the land...