Before the children of Israel are to enter into the land, Moses “reteaches” the values and laws that they must follow in order to have a successful “aliya”. In this week’s parsha, the Jews are reminded about following no less than 72 mitzvot! What is interesting is...

Recipe for Parsha Emor
Parsha Recipe for Emor – Parsha Pie! (Adapted from Parsha Emor discusses the cycle of holidays: the weekly Shabbat, Passover, Shavuoth, Rosh HaShana, Yom Kippur, Sukkot and Shemini Atzeret. Immediately following this is a discussion of...
Parshat Kedoshim
We could spend an entire year studying this week’s Torah portion. There is an abundance of mitzvoth in the parsha that demand a total commitment to justice, kindness, and fairness. However, what is significant is that the parsha sees these mitzvoth as key elements in...
Innovative Seder Ideas
I wanted to take this opportunity to wish everyone a wonderful and meaningful Pesach. The Seders are a special event in the Jewish calendar where we can put our personal touch on the flow and celebration of the evening as we retell the story of the exodus from Egypt....
Passover Recipe – Matzo Toffee Bar Crunch
Passover is almost upon us. This is one of my family’s favorite treats! MATZO TOFFEE BAR CRUNCH (from Start to finish: 1 hour 30 minutes Servings: 18 6 sheets matzo (or enough to cover a baking sheet) 1 cup (2 sticks) margarine 1 1/2 cups packed...