Parshat Vayakhel

Parshat Vayakhel

In reading this weeks’ portion, I came across an idea I had never thought about before. The Torah portion discusses the construction of the Mishkan, the first sanctuary the Jews built. Outside of the  Mishkan was the altar, which was used for sacrifices. The altar and...
Parshat Ki Tisa – Maze Magic

Parshat Ki Tisa – Maze Magic

Bnei Yisrael are afraid with Moshe gone. With the help of Moshe’s brother, Aharon, they build the Golden Calf or “egel hazahav”. Hashem is (understandably) quite angry and threatens to destroy everyone. With Moshe’s intervention, Bnei Yisrael are saved and receive the...
Recipe for Parshat Tetzaveh

Recipe for Parshat Tetzaveh

Parshat Tetzveh discusses the garments the Kohanim (priests) and Kohen Gadol (high priest) wore when they did the service in the Tabernacle. One of the most special items the Kohen Gadol wore was the Choshen. It was a square (approx. 10″), made out of multiple...
The Mishkan – Parshat Terumah

The Mishkan – Parshat Terumah

 “And you will make for me a holy dwelling and I will dwell amidst them.” This week’s parsha contains the detailed description or blueprint for building the Tabernacle. If we examine the above verse written in the Torah, God says that he wants the Israelites to build...
Recipe for Parshat Terumah

Recipe for Parshat Terumah

Parsha Recipe – Terumah (No calories on Shabbat!) This week’s Torah reading focuses on the construction of the Mishkan (tabernacle). The Torah details the precise measurements and materials to be used in the construction of the Mishkan. According to Midrash each of...