Akiva remembers on Yom Ha-Shoah

Akiva remembers on Yom Ha-Shoah

We will always remember Grades 5 and 6 participated in a very meaningful assembly to commemorate Yom Ha-Shoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day.  Students sang songs, prayed and light candles in memory of those who suffered in the Holocaust.  Special guest speaker, Vera...
Celebrating Passover with Akiva Grandparents

Celebrating Passover with Akiva Grandparents

Akiva grandparents celebrated the holiday of Passover with Akiva kindergarten students this week. They sang, they learned and they created beautiful Passover decorations for their Seder tables.  Chag Pesach Kasher v’Sameach!
Nutrition Day at Akiva

Nutrition Day at Akiva

Akiva Grades 1 to 6 participated in Nutrition Day this month where they learned about trying new foods, making healthy choices and keeping an open mind for new snack alternatives.  Thank you to our Nutrition Day Committee, as well as all the parent volunteers, who...
“La Francofête”

“La Francofête”

Nos élèves ont profité d’une semaine d’activités hivernales, d’amusement, d’apprentissage, de chansons, de culture québécoise et de friandises spéciales – le tout avec une touche française et en immersion dans la langue française dans le cadre de “la...