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At Akiva School, we teach to the whole child, focusing on the intellectual, social/emotional and moral character development of every student. We promote independent, creative thinking, anchored in Jewish values and a strong Jewish identity.
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Latest News
Akiva Celebrates Israel
Akiva commemorates Yom Ha-Zikkaron and Yom Ha-Atzma'ut This week together our community shared a range of emotions from sadness to joy, from despondence to hope, and going from darkness to light, as we commemorated a painful Yom Ha-Zikkaron and proud Yom Ha-Atzma'ut. ...
Akiva remembers on Yom Ha-Shoah
We will always remember Grades 5 and 6 participated in a very meaningful assembly to commemorate Yom Ha-Shoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day. Students sang songs, prayed and light candles in memory of those who suffered in the Holocaust. Special guest speaker, Vera...
Akiva Robotics Team Shines in the “Robotique FIRST Québec” competition
Kol Hakavod to our Akiva Robotics team, the Akiva Masterminds, and their coaches, who moved on to the provincial level in the "Robotique FIRST Québec" competition. The team competed in the provincial championships at the University of Sherbrooke campus in Longueuil on...
Celebrating Passover with Akiva Grandparents
Akiva grandparents celebrated the holiday of Passover with Akiva kindergarten students this week. They sang, they learned and they created beautiful Passover decorations for their Seder tables. Chag Pesach Kasher v'Sameach!
Nutrition Day at Akiva
Akiva Grades 1 to 6 participated in Nutrition Day this month where they learned about trying new foods, making healthy choices and keeping an open mind for new snack alternatives. Thank you to our Nutrition Day Committee, as well as all the parent volunteers, who...
Secure Akiva – Matching Gift Initiative 2023-24
Thank you to our extended Akiva community for raising over $800,000 in funds to go towards security requirements at our school. Gifts are still coming in and it is not too late to participate. Click here to give online.
“La Francofête”
Nos élèves ont profité d’une semaine d’activités hivernales, d’amusement, d’apprentissage, de chansons, de culture québécoise et de friandises spéciales - le tout avec une touche française et en immersion dans la langue française dans le cadre de “la Francofête”!...
Visit from Johnny Daniels
Akiva Grade 6 students were part of a powerful moment today when we had a visit from two special guests; Holocaust survivor, Gyorgi Nemes, and Jonny Daniels, Israeli activist for Holocaust commemoration and founder of From the Depths. Gyorgy spoke of her experiences...