Experience Akiva

Rabbi Grossman’s Blog Corner
Rabbi Grossman's Corner

Passover Recipe – Matzo Toffee Bar Crunch
Apr 3, 2014
Passover is almost upon us. This is one of my family’s favorite treats! MATZO TOFFEE BAR CRUNCH (from Huffingtonpost.ca) Start to finish: 1 hour 30 minutes Servings: 18 6 sheets matzo (or enough to cover a baking sheet) 1 cup (2 sticks) margarine 1 1/2 cups packed...

Parshat Metzora – Thoughts on Gossip
Apr 3, 2014
This past weekend I had the pleasure of attending a Seudah Shelisheet (third Sabbath meal) which was part of a Shabbaton at the Adath featuring a woman named Adrienne Gold. Adrienne grew up in Toronto and has become observant over the last 20 years of her life. Some...

Thoughts for Passover: The Purpose of Questions
Mar 28, 2014
By Lisa Steinmetz Passover is the holiday of questions. We ask four questions about the differences between the night of Passover and all other nights. Parents ask children questions so that they can share their knowledge with us. Children and guests also ask...
Parshat Shemini – The Significance of Eight
Mar 24, 2014
Our parsha this week centers on the dedication of the Mishkan. It also discusses the laws and signs for kosher animals and some of the laws of purity. The parsha is called Shemini, which means eighth. The dedication of the Mishkan, a home for the presence of God,...

Recipe for Parshat Shemini
Mar 19, 2014
In addition to the description of the dedication ceremony of the Mishkan or Tabernacle, the Torah portion this week presents us with the laws of kosher and non-kosher animals. For animals we have 3 signs that make an animal kosher for our consumption – split hooves,...

Message for Purim
Mar 12, 2014
Purim Sameach to everyone! This week we read the regular parsha of the week which is the parsha of Tzav. In addition to the portion of the week, we read what is known as Parshat Zachor. The Torah twice instructs us to remember what Amalek did to us after leaving...

Recipe for Purim
Mar 12, 2014
Try this amazing recipe for Purim! These hamantashen will surely brighten up your festive table! Rainbow Hamantaschen makes 2-3 dozen cookies 2 cups (4 sticks) unsalted butter or margarine 1/2 cup sugar 8 oz. coconut milk 6 cups all-purpose flour 1 tsp vanilla extract...

Recipe for Parshat Vayikra
Mar 6, 2014
(from www.pragmaticattic.wordpress.com) This portion describes the sacrifices including the Thanksgiving Offering. This korban or sacrifice, involved so much food that had to be eaten in such a short amount of time. Therefore, lots of people had to be invited to share...

Parshat Vayakhel
Feb 20, 2014
In reading this weeks’ portion, I came across an idea I had never thought about before. The Torah portion discusses the construction of the Mishkan, the first sanctuary the Jews built. Outside of the Mishkan was the altar, which was used for sacrifices. The altar and...

Parshat Ki Tisa – Maze Magic
Feb 13, 2014
Bnei Yisrael are afraid with Moshe gone. With the help of Moshe’s brother, Aharon, they build the Golden Calf or “egel hazahav”. Hashem is (understandably) quite angry and threatens to destroy everyone. With Moshe’s intervention, Bnei Yisrael are saved and receive the...