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password: Akiva123!
Sep 5, 2014
Before the children of Israel are to enter into the land, Moses “reteaches” the values and laws that they must follow in order to have a successful “aliya”. In this week’s parsha, the Jews are reminded about following no less than 72 mitzvot! What is interesting is...
Sep 3, 2014
Akiva students are involved in weekly discussions about the Torah portion. Every so often as part of the blog, we would like to share with you, some of the beautiful thoughts and ideas that your children shared with me or their teachers about questions related to the...
Aug 13, 2014
As the school year fast approaches, we at school are thinking, organizing, planning and brainstorming for new enriching ideas to incorporate into the year. We are confident that we will have another year of rewarding and successful education for your children. We want...
Aug 6, 2014
I hope everyone has had a restful and rewarding summer. We are excited about the upcoming school year and seeing everyone back at school. It has been a difficult summer for all of us in the Jewish community and our thoughts and hearts have been with Israel. We will...
Jun 18, 2014
The tragic news this week in Israel of three boys who were kidnapped by Hamas is overwhelming. Yet, at the same time, we need to contemplate what we can ultimately do. There are no words to express the pain that the families of Eyal, Gilad, and Naftali must be...
Jun 16, 2014
Last Thursday, at around the time we dismissed our students from school to go home, three Israeli boys, Yeshiva students also returning home, disappeared into the night, kidnapped by terrorists. Their story touches us deeply to the core as parents and as fellow...
Jun 10, 2014
This week’s parsha tells the famous story of the spies. Moses sends twelve spies to the land of Israel. Forty days later they return, carrying a huge cluster of grapes, a pomegranate and a fig, to report on a lush and bountiful land. But then they continue with words...
Jun 3, 2014
LAZY DAYS AT THE BEACH by Benyamin Cohen Torah from Dixie Staff Writer Summertime is here. Every year, we read the Book of Numbers during the summer, and often it gets less attention then it rightfully deserves. So for the moment, let's catch up with the Jewish people...
Jun 3, 2014
In this week’s Torah reading, the “stiff necked people” in B’nai Yisrael complain about their lack of nourishment. They cry out for meat and fish and even reminisce about the watermelon they had back in Egypt. Our Torah Treat this week features all those foods: gummy...
May 27, 2014
For our recipe this week, I found something both fun and educational for the holiday of Shavuot. It is a Libyan custom that's certainly not cookie cutter but literally uses cookies to illustrate the essence of Shavuot. Libyan Jews create a child's cookie necklace by...