Kol Hakavod to our Akiva Chidon Hatanach Team!
Kol Hakavod to our Akiva Chidon Hatanach Team! The Akiva team participated this Wednesday in the regional Chidon Hatanach competition (Bible Contest) with all other Montreal Jewish Day Schools. Great job to all the students and coaches who dedicated themselves to...
Vive la Francofête!
This week, our students were immersed in a full schedule of engaging French language workshops, Quebecois culture and themes, plus lots of fun outdoor winter activities as part of our annual Francofête celebration.
Grade 2 Shines in their Chagigah Bereshit
Grade 2 Ḥagigat Bereshit Grade 2 students were shining bright this week as they performed in their Hagigat Bereshit and received their first Chumash in front of their families. Kol Hakavod on a beautiful celebration of Akiva Jewish learning.
Securing our Future – Matching Gift Initiative 2024-25
Akiva community rose to the challenge and raised over $570,000 to support our school and help secure our future of Jewish education as part of our Securing our Future - Matching Gift Initiative 2024-25. Thank you to our Matching Fund Donors, our parents, our...
Tzedakah Week
Tzedakah Week This week Akiva students learned about the importance of giving Tzedakah and caring for those in need. Grade 3 students led the way in giving, learning all about the act of tzekadah in Judaic studies class, designing their own tzedakah boxes and then...
Hebrew Language Week at Akiva
Hebrew Language Week This week Akiva celebrated our annual Hebrew Language Week, which coincides with the birth month of Eliezer Ben Yehuda, a pioneer in the revival of the Hebrew language. Our students learnt about Datya Ben...
Welcome to our Class of 2032
Introducing our Graduating Class of 2032! This week, we welcomed our incoming kindergarten Class of 2025 who all came for a special visit to the school. Incoming students and parents spent the morning meeting teachers, having fun in the classrooms and in the gym....
All Ready for Hanukkah at Akiva!
This week, Akiva got everyone into the spirit of Hanukkah with the Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten Hanukkah celebrations where our youngest students put on amazing trilingual performances for parents, siblings and grandparents, Hanukkiah making where our grade 5...
Grade 4 Literary Fashion Show
Grade 4 students strutted their creative stuff on the runway at the Literary Fashion Show. An example of Akiva interdisciplinary programming, the Literary Fashion show combines a focus on literature and creative arts in which students delve deep into their favourite...
Kindergarten Teddy Bear Clinic
Akiva Kindergarten students learned all about different specialties in the medical field. Mental health, dental hygiene, dermatology, neurology, radiology etc... at the Teddy Bear Clinic special kindergarten program, Kindergarten students explored a range of medical...