Parshat Mishpatim

Parshat Mishpatim

“And these are the laws which you shall put before them…” There are no less than 53 laws given in the Torah portion this week, establishing a civil code within the Torah. These detailed laws include how to: a) be responsible for someone else’s property, b) pay workers...
Recipe for Parshat Mishpatim

Recipe for Parshat Mishpatim

(from This week’s parsha discusses many different laws. One of them is that a man who is responsible for digging or uncovering an open pit would be held liable for damage the pit may cause for example, if an animal falls into the pit. We...

Parshat Yitro – Honoring Your Parents

The Ten Commandments are divided into two groups – the first five are commandments between Man and God, and the second five are commandments between Man and his fellow Man. The commandments between Man and his fellow Man are intuitive: do not murder, steal, be...