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Jordan Stern – Class of 2007

Name:   Jordan Stern

Graduating Year: 2007

High School: Bialik High School

University: Concordia: Software Engineering- Co-op program

1. How did Akiva prepare you for high school?

Soon after entering high school I realized that Akiva not only gave me an incredible foundation of knowledge to stand on, but also the ability to learn at a quicker pace than my peers. This initial advantage gave me the drive to continue to excel.

 2.  What was the most important thing that you learned from your experience at Akiva? 

The essence of Judaism is perhaps the most important thing I have learned at Akiva; what it feels like to be a part of a Jewish community, to do mitzvot, to be proud of my Jewish heritage, and to take pride in Israel. Akiva has instilled those things in me.

  3. What were your fondest memories at Akiva?

I honestly have far too many memories of my time at Akiva. It’s impossible for me to single any one of them out at all.

 4.  Why should a parent choose to send their child to Akiva?

Akiva is like a small family whose sole intention is giving its students a solid foundation for their future. All the staff share that same purpose, and you can feel it in the air. I would want the best for my child, if I had one, and Akiva would without hesitation be my first choice.

 5. What was your desired profession when you graduated Akiva? Where are you at now?  

 I didn’t have a profession in mind when I graduated Akiva. I was certainly interested in science though. Now I’m in my first year of software engineering at Concordia University.