tali photo 2Tali, Akiva teacher and parent

“I came to Canada from Israel over 16 years ago. After completing university, I followed my husband here… I chose to take a temporary job that was offered to me – to work in a Jewish day school… When I worked in the school, I felt like I was filling the gap that I had in me from being outside of Israel, because leaving Israel created a big hole in my heart… I fell in love with teaching. It was supposed to be a temporary job but it became much more to me.  Then I took a break. I started my family and I realized how much I wanted to continue teaching. I felt that, beyond the good that it did for me, there was so much I could offer the children. I was on a mission to teach the children all the things that I had with me in my “backpack” from Israel … I was working in 2 other schools before coming to Akiva, and then I came here and knew that this was where I would stay…  Eight years later, here I am, still at Akiva. My children are here and I feel like this is my second home.”