Kindness counts 2On May 11th Akiva School held our second annual Anti-Bullying Day. This year we decided to highlight one of Akiva five promises; “treat others with kindness”.  At Akiva, we always emphasize the idea that kindness is contagious: do a random act of kindness for someone and they will, in turn, do an act of kindness for someone else. We like to call this “the domino effect of kindness”. Students quickly learn that when they make others feel good they naturally feel good themselves.

The day kicked off with an all school assembly where students from various grades shared acts of kindness that they have done. A few of the Bat Mitzvah girls presented their ideas on “Mitzvah Goreret Mitzvah”, how one good deed brings another good deed. Students were then challenged to be conscious of one act of kindness that they did throughout the day. Each student wrote out their act of kindness on a domino piece which was then linked together throughout the school to display Akiva’s domino effect of kindness. Although we decided to dedicate our Anti-Bully day this year to kindness, we are proud to say it truly is part of our everyday life at Akiva.