Faces of Akiva
Stories and voices from the Akiva School community; a beautiful mosaic of students, parents, teachers, families and friends all learning, sharing and living together at our school.
Faces of Akiva
Janie and Michael Etinson Akiva Grandparents and Past Parents "... Michael and I have a long history with Akiva School. The first of our five children started in 1976. We were looking for a school that reflected our values at home. We found it at Akiva. Then, our...
Faces of Akiva
Bella Widman Akiva Grandparent “… I came to Canada 26 years ago following my children… I grew up in a Jewish home in a tiny city in the mountains where I lived just outside of Rio, Brazil. My parents always taught me that being Jewish was important but it was not...
Faces of Akiva
Tali, Akiva teacher and parent “I came to Canada from Israel over 16 years ago. After completing university, I followed my husband here… I chose to take a temporary job that was offered to me - to work in a Jewish day school… When I worked in the school, I felt like I...