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My Jewish Journey

Deborah Abecassis Warshawsky, Director of Jewish Life and Learning, shares insights on lessons from the Torah, Jewish customs and traditions and inspirational thoughts for personal growth.

Purim 2015 – Arrogance vs. Ambition

Purim 2015 – Arrogance vs. Ambition

When we think about the Purim story, we immediately think of the central element of the plot, how the Persian Jews were saved through the action plan of Esther. But like all of Tanach, there’s more than one lesson, and when we look again at the characters and the plot...

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Parshat Terumah– A Portable Home

Parshat Terumah– A Portable Home

Please enjoy this abridged version of a dvar Torah by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks about the origins and important role of the synagogue in our Jewish lives. Wishing everyone a Shabbat Shalom and great week off. Lisa...

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Parshat Mishpatim – The Truth about Lies

Parshat Mishpatim – The Truth about Lies

This week we witnessed the downfall of one of television’s celebrated news anchors- Brian Williams. Mr. Williams admitted that he might have “misrepresented” an incident which he reported during the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Mr. Williams said that during the war, his...

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Teddy Bear Clinic in Kindergarten

Teddy Bear Clinic in Kindergarten

Kindergarten students learned more about the medical field and what it means to be a doctor in an amazing program called the “Teddy Bear Clinic”.  Students brought their “sick” stuffed toy to each of the doctor workstations to find out more about dentistry, health and...

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Parshat Yitro – Learning to disengage

Parshat Yitro – Learning to disengage

The highlight of our parsha is the Jews receiving the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai. The fourth commandment is:  “Remember the Sabbath day….Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do...

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Remember the past to build the future

Remember the past to build the future

This week, to commemorate, International Holocaust Remembrance Day, I would like to share a blog post from Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks written in the blog of Times of Israel. Remember the past to build the future.

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Parshat Bo – Choosing a Jewish High School

Parshat Bo – Choosing a Jewish High School

Parshat Bo details one of the most critical events in Jewish history – the Exodus from Egypt/Yeziat mitzrayim. It is the beginning of the formation of the Jewish nation. Immediately after this monumental event, Moses begins with the task of educating and teaching...

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In the course of the Torash reading, we are told about Pharaoh’s repeated rejections of the Jew’s request to go free. Three different verbs are used in this week’s Torah portion centering on the plagues to indicate the hardening of the Pharoah’s heart: Kasha (k-sh-h),...

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Parshat Vayishlach – Having it All

Each week the leadership of our school takes the time to study Torah. Our focus this year is on tefilla, the daily prayers, and we are currently studying the morning blessings. The purpose of the morning blessings is to wake us up spiritually and to enable us to be...

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