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My Jewish Journey

Deborah Abecassis Warshawsky, Director of Jewish Life and Learning, shares insights on lessons from the Torah, Jewish customs and traditions and inspirational thoughts for personal growth.

Parshat Vayetze – The Symbolism of the Ladder

Parshat Vayetze – The Symbolism of the Ladder

One of the highlights of the parsha this week is the dream of Jacob, where he has a vision of angels ascending and descending a ladder. There are multiple interpretations of this dream and its purpose in shaping the future of Jacob as the father of the nation of...

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United together with Am Yisrael

Kol Yisrael Areivim zeh bazeh.       כל ישראל ערבים זה בזה I am writing to you today because our family is in mourning. We are crying together with our family in Israel for the loss of lives of fathers, grandfathers, husbands and friends, who were taken so cruelly...

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Parshat Toldot – Praying for Someone Else

We are all feeling an enormous sense of tragedy following the events of the week. Our hearts and prayers are still focused on those families. However, like the men who returned to pray the next morning in that very same synagogue, we must move forward. In the midst of...

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Parshat Chayei Sarah- The Lessons of Sarah and Peter Pan

This week’s parsha was my Bat Mitzvah parsha, (sometime in the 1970s shall we say…). As time passes and my kids get older, I reflect more on aging. I often don’t “feel” my age, and whenever I go to weddings, I still feel like a 25 year old.  Right then, my kids, (and...

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Parshat Vayera- “Pay it Forward”

The theme of “Chessed”, or acts of kindness, is at the core of this week’s parsha. Avraham welcomes the three strangers into his tent with and offers them a lavish meal, freshly cooked, in a way which is above and beyond what anyone would have expected. (In the end,...

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Parshat Noach – Tzelem Elokim – How can I be like God?

Parshat Noach – Tzelem Elokim – How can I be like God?

The book of Genesis is a book that itself could be studied over an entire year and the reader would still be left with many questions. When we study the books of the Torah and perhaps the book of Genesis in particular, we need to look at the stories and ideas on both...

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Thoughts on Yom Kippur – The Ninth Inning – Neilah

Thoughts on Yom Kippur – The Ninth Inning – Neilah

There is something unique about the ninth inning in baseball, the fourth quarter in football, set points in tennis and the final minutes in a hockey game. Sometimes the unexpected happens during those last few minutes of the game that changes everything. It could be a...

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