by Cindy Warren | Jan 12, 2017 | Blog, My Jewish Journey
In Parashat Va-Yehi, this week’s final parashah of the book of Bereishit, Jacob blesses his sons before he dies. Among his words is the formula we use today to bless our own children: So he blessed them that day saying, “May God make you like Ephraim and like...
by Cindy Warren | Dec 22, 2016 | Blog, My Jewish Journey
The week began with a power failure that showed us some of the most special qualities of Akiva School – community, teamwork, perseverance, commitment, and of course, the best interest of every child. Even in physical, concrete darkness, the Akiva family light shone...
by Cindy Warren | Dec 14, 2016 | Blog, My Jewish Journey
As our Akiva players begin their first performances of The Magic Lamp, they are full of excitement and nervous energy. Over the last few months, they have studied their lines, memorized their cues and rehearsed their dances – they have all worked so hard – but...
by Cindy Warren | Dec 5, 2016 | Blog, My Jewish Journey
This week we are fortunate to have as our guest blogger, Rabbi Lisa Grushcow, Akiva parent and Senior Rabbi of Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom. Shabbat Shalom. In this parsha, Jacob has a dream with a ladder, and angels going up and down. God reassures him...
by Cindy Warren | Nov 30, 2016 | Blog, My Jewish Journey
Our guest blogger this week is school president Patrick Essiminy who offered the following Dvar Torah at Akiva’s Annual General Meeting on Tuesday morning. Parashat Toldot – Nurturing the individual. This week’s parasha is Toldot, which means the descendants....
by Cindy Warren | Nov 24, 2016 | Blog, My Jewish Journey
I have a memory from when I was a child of playing outside my house when a woman came by. I do not remember anything about this woman – what she looked like, what she may have said, or how she acted. What I do remember is that my father brought this stranger, with...