The Siddur

The Siddur

The Torah is the most venerated book in Judaism, revered as the Word of God.  The Bible is Jewish Holy Scripture, a collection of sacred books filled with the ancient history of our people, the admonitions of our prophets, and the wisdom of our ancestors.  The six...
Hebrew Language Week

Hebrew Language Week

When the Israelites left Egypt after 430 years of exile, they brought with them their old and their young, their flocks and their herds, great wealth, and unleavened bread.  So we learned in last week’s Torah reading.  According to our rabbis, there was something else...

Grade 6 Day

Tomorrow is Grade 6 Day, an Akiva tradition where the Grade 6 students become the teachers and administrators of the school for one day.  Like so many Akiva traditions, Grade 6 Day speaks directly to the mission of the Akiva school, encouraging student independence...