Lessons to learn from Parashat Yitro

Lessons to learn from Parashat Yitro

Guest Blogger: Perry Shak Akiva parent and board member What is the most valuable commodity in the world? It is Time. As we will see, this is one of the many lessons that can be learned from this weeks Parasha. Yitro priest of Midian, and Moshes’ father in...
Parashat Yitro

Parashat Yitro

This week’s parashah describes the Israelites standing before Mount Sinai as they accept God’s Torah. As the ten commandments are read in synagogue this Shabbat, the congregation is asked to stand as did the Israelites in that awesome, powerful moment when God...
Parashat Bo – Art Speaks

Parashat Bo – Art Speaks

On Monday, the children had the opportunity to visit the Marc Chagall exhibit at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.  On Tuesday, Grade 6 had a poetry slam for parents in which they read poems they wrote inspired by Chagall paintings.  In this week’s parashah, God...