by Cindy Warren | Apr 16, 2015 | News
Grades 5 and 6 participated in a powerful assembly for Yom HaShoah with guest speaker Ross Paperman who spoke about his experiences on the March of the Living and Jewish Identity.
by Cindy Warren | Mar 31, 2015 | News
Over the past few weeks, our students have been busy preparing for the Seder nights of Passover and are so excited to share all that they have learned at their Seder tables. Pesach, like so many of the Jewish holidays, is oriented around the theme of experiential...
by Cindy Warren | Mar 24, 2015 | News
On Tuesday, winners of the Chidon Hatanach Regionals were recognized in a ceremony at TBDJ synagogue. Akiva’s Grade 6 student, Aron Widman, received his award for placing first in all of Quebec. Mazel Tov to Aron and his coach Akiva teacher Eric Cohen! ...
by Cindy Warren | Mar 20, 2015 | News
Akiva grade 6 students had a special visitor on Friday, March 20th; Marion Van Horne ( an Akiva parent) Post-doctoral Candidate in neuroscience at McGill, came to talk about ‘Brain Awareness Week’. Our students learned about different parts of the brain,...
by Cindy Warren | Mar 17, 2015 | News
Have you ever seen any aliens? What did you eat in space? So many interesting questions for our special guest visitor, M. Marc Garneau, former NASA astronaut, who came to talk to Akiva Grade 2 and 5 classes today as part of Francofête… This week, Akiva School...
by Cindy Warren | Mar 12, 2015 | News
The Akiva Girls’ Basketball team wins the Gold at the W.E.S.B.L championships. Mazel Tov to the team and coaches! Media Coverage: