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Rabbi Grossman’s Blog Corner
Rabbi Grossman's Corner

Parshat Beshalach – The Art of Complaining
Jan 9, 2014
Daniel arrives home from work at 5pm and as soon as he steps through his front door, his wife Judith starts having a go at him. “Why don’t you ever wipe your feet before walking into the house? ….. I thought you said you were coming home at lunch time today …… Where’s...

Parshat Beshalach Recipe Idea
Jan 7, 2014
This week we read Parshat Beshalach and we have one of the most epic moments from Jewish history and Jewish tradition: the Splitting of the Sea. Given that we have been having an “epic” cold season, I thought that perhaps we would all like to try some soup for...
Parsha Riddle
Dec 17, 2013
Just a little something different for this week! PARSHA Riddle Pharaoh was worried; he did not like the news, He felt the rising power that came upon the Jews, He decided to make them work hard and enslave them, The Jews worked very hard, they all cried to Hashem....

Parsha Recipe – Vayechi
Dec 9, 2013
In this week’s parsha, as Yaakov’s life comes to an end, he blesses all of his sons, as well as the sons of Yosef, Efraim and Menasheh. Probably the most well-known blessing is the blessing of “Hamalach HaGoel” (Breishit 48:16). The words are a plea from Yaakov to the...

Parshat Vayigash Message
Dec 5, 2013
After much drama, the conflict between Joseph and his brothers reaches its climax in this week’s Torah reading. Joseph, after tormenting his brothers, finally breaks down and reveals his true identity to them. And then the tone changes, as the family begins to...

Special Chunukah Recipe – Spiced Hot Chocolate
Dec 4, 2013
Spiced Hot Chocolate (from Myjewishlearning.com) As we enter the cold days of winter, here is a recipe to keep the light and warmth of the channukah candles a little longer in our homes. During Hanukkah, yellow mesh bags of chocolate gelt appear out of nowhere, and...

Parshat Miketz
Nov 28, 2013
In this week’s Torah reading, we are told the story of Pharoah’s dreams, Joseph’s rise to power in Egypt, and the reunion with his brothers who descend to Egypt during a famine. The parsha is full of drama and irony. Joseph, who has assimilated into Egyptian society,...
The Strength of Jewish Spirit
Nov 27, 2013
As we prepare to light the first candle tonight, we remember the strength of our people and the miracles that are integral parts of our heritage. The Macabees victory has been summed up in a wonderful verse from the prophet Zechariah: “Not by might nor by strength but...

Define the Legal Line: Youth Cyberbullying and Wellbeing
Nov 25, 2013
Last week, I attended a conference at McGill that was organized by “Define the Line”, a research program based at McGill University and directed by Dr. Shaheen Shariff, an international expert who has pioneered research on cyberbullying over the last...

Parsha Vayeshev Recipe
Nov 19, 2013
In this week's Parsha, Jacob gives his son Joseph with the wondrous striped coat. This gift caused an immense amount of jealousy between Joseph's other brothers -- so much so, that at the end of this story, Jacob's other sons sell Joseph into slavery. For our Torah...