From Generation to Generation at Akiva

From Generation to Generation at Akiva

The Mi-dor Le-dor program is the highlight of the Akiva grade 5 Judaic studies program in which students research, document and present stories of family heirlooms and memories passed down from generation to generation. Students present in front of their families and...
Celebrating Purim at Akiva

Celebrating Purim at Akiva

Akiva celebrated Purim with creative costumes, special Megillah readings, including a dramatic performance of Queen Ester versus Haman by grade 6 students, and a fun carnival. Chag Purim Sameach!
Art Speaks at Akiva

Art Speaks at Akiva

“Art Speaks” is an immersive English Language Arts project in grade 6 that blends literature, poetry, and visual arts. Students selected a favorite book—ranging from beloved classics to modern literature—and explored the emotions and themes it evoked. They...
Kol Hakavod to our Akiva Chidon Hatanach Team!

Kol Hakavod to our Akiva Chidon Hatanach Team!

Kol Hakavod to our Akiva Chidon Hatanach Team! The Akiva team participated this Wednesday in the regional Chidon Hatanach competition (Bible Contest) with all other Montreal Jewish Day Schools. Great job to all the students and coaches who dedicated themselves to...
Vive la Francofête!

Vive la Francofête!

This week, our students were immersed in a full schedule of engaging French language workshops, Quebecois culture and themes, plus lots of fun outdoor winter activities as part of our annual Francofête celebration.