Parsha Vayeshev Recipe

Parsha Vayeshev Recipe

In this week’s Parsha, Jacob gives his son Joseph with the wondrous striped coat. This gift caused an immense amount of jealousy between Joseph’s other brothers — so much so, that at the end of this story, Jacob’s other sons sell Joseph into...
Helping Hands – Tzedakah

Helping Hands – Tzedakah

Tzedakah and acts of kindness are the equivalent of all the mitzvot of the Torah” – Jerusalem Talmud, Pe’ah 1:1. Due to the devastating results of the typhoon in the Phillipines, we would like you to consider participating in the mitzvah of Tzedakah. We...

Parshat Vayishlach – Recipe Idea

In the Torah reading this week, Yaacov is reunited with his brother Esav. Though Yaacov is fearful that the reunion will be difficult because of their past struggles, the brothers reunite with a hug. In honour of this week’s parsha, I am sharing a “hug” recipe....
Parsha Challah Idea for Vayetze

Parsha Challah Idea for Vayetze

In this week’s Torah portion, Jacob has escaped from his brother and runs to the house of his uncle Lavan. On his way to his uncle, Jacob dreams of a ladder that stretches up from earth to heavens. There are angels of God ascending and descending the ladder. Jacob...
Parshat Toldot

Parshat Toldot

This week I am excited to have a guest blog from my son Hillel Steinmetz, who is currently studying at Yeshivat Maale Gilboa in Israel. Shabbat Shalom. Parshat Toldot Man’s natures have been classically divided into two.  There is the intellectual man and the...