However, even with the ESP disabled, the G 500 does not become "hostile" and unpredictable. His "habits" are characteristic of a chassis with permanent all-wheel drive: some understeer in steep slow turns, sometimes the rear axle is not averse to "fooling around" in fast gentle turns. But the car always begins to inform so much in advance about a potentially possible "trick" that it is possible to provoke a dangerous situation behind the wheel of the G 500 unless intentionally.

Powerful brakes, exceptionally effective even in the rain, during our rapid descents from the passes, of course, were subjected to increased loads. For several hours, it is not easy to intensively slow down a giant rushing literally in rally mode. The snow that got inside the wheels while traveling through snowdrifts, when it came into contact with the red-hot brake discs, melted, the water began to evaporate, and thick clouds of steam fell from the car. No problem: we switch the automatic transmission to manual mode, and in II or III gear, the 2.5-ton G 500 obediently and slowly rolls down steep slopes.

In a word, the radical, but "velvet" modification, which Gelenewagen underwent a year and a half ago, provided the G-class with a symbiosis of the qualities of an all-terrain vehicle that knows no obstacles and a high-speed one (acceleration to "hundreds" in the "gas to the floor" mode in just 9.7 c) an ultra-comfortable executive car! We also really liked the previous (second generation after the GE 500 in 1993) G 500 generation, but this "third youth" of the car makes us seriously think about what other grandiose prospects for improvement the elder of the clan can conceal" SUVs! Without a doubt, the G 500 today is one of the most outstanding on the planet among cars of all types and classes. A lot of interesting details from the life of this unique, the secret nuances of his "career", the finest details of the G-class production process in Graz – this exclusive "Gelandewagen Story" is waiting for you in the next rooms. A real bestseller for so many Russian fans of the "Great G"!

...Well, and our G 500, the staunch leader of the Alpine shooters", wound one hundred miles after another across the expanses of Austria. Styria, Tyrol, Carinthia, Burgenland – from the "commander's tower" of the G 500 seats, green Alpine meadows, mist-shrouded mountain passes, "gray beards" are visible in the palm of your hand" eternal glaciers, valleys, waterfalls, gorges... Gelandewagen stayed at "father's house". And only the wonderful Tyrolean melodies pouring from the high-end G 500 stereo system could compete with the sweetest "baritone" its V8! в это время делать ставки на события на выводимые средства mostbet По правилам букмекера, клиента в любой момент могут попросить о верификации аккаунта
