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My Jewish Journey

Deborah Abecassis Warshawsky, Director of Jewish Life and Learning, shares insights on lessons from the Torah, Jewish customs and traditions and inspirational thoughts for personal growth.

Parshat Naso – One Person with One Heart

Parshat Naso – One Person with One Heart

I wanted to share an article with you this week written by the families of the three boys  (Eyal, Gilad and Naftali) whose lives were brutally taken last summer before the operation in Gaza. The message of unity is crucial and it is an appropriate message that follows...

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Parshat Bamidbar /Shavuot – What’s in a name?

Parshat Bamidbar /Shavuot – What’s in a name?

The megilla of Ruth is a beautiful story of a Moabite woman who “cleaves” to her mother in law Naomi, and is in turn rewarded for her acts of extreme chessed by meriting to be the ancestor of King David. The book is a succinct story (4 chapters) with multiple layers...

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Parshat Behar- Bechukotai – Shemitta: The Great Equalizer

Parshat Behar- Bechukotai – Shemitta: The Great Equalizer

The Sabbatical year is a remarkable utopian idea. The Torah tells of the “shemitta”, how every seven years the nation shared a remarkable experience;  that in the seventh year, private fields were opened up to the public, to be enjoyed by any living being, and...

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Parshat Emor – Counting the Omer

Parshat Emor – Counting the Omer

“And you shall count for yourselves from the morrow of the day of rest… there should be seven complete weeks. Until the morrow of the seventh week, you shall count fifty days.” (Leviticus 23:15-16) The Torah commands us to count forty nine days from the first day of...

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In honour of Yom HaShoah

In honour of Yom HaShoah

In honour of Yom HaShoah, I am including an (abridged) article about the future of Holocaust Education which I believe will be one of our upcoming challenges in Jewish education for the near future. Shabbat Shalom. Holocaust education prepares for era without...

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Pesach 2015

Pesach 2015

The goal of our Seders is to engage our children in dialogue about the story of leaving Egypt. Here is a little humour to help bridge the serious moments with the song and food of the evening. Print them and put them under everyone’s plate to help keep the children...

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Parshat Tzav – Preparation for Passover- The Four Sons

Parshat Tzav – Preparation for Passover- The Four Sons

The number four is prevalent in the rituals of the seder. We have 4 cups of wine, 4 (or 5) words of redemption, four questions asked by the youngest at the seder and the four sons. I would like to present some ideas this week about the four sons. What does the wise...

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Preparing for the Seder

Preparing for the Seder

Many of us spend hours preparing for the “physical” i.e. food parts of the Seder. However, we do not spend nearly enough time getting ready for the “spiritual” experience of the seder, which is accomplished through recitation of the Haggadah. I would like to spend the...

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