Parashat Va-eira: We Remember

Parashat Va-eira: We Remember

This week, as a school and community, we joined the World Jewish Congress’s global campaign to have the largest commemoration of the Holocaust ever by contributing our photos showing #we remember.  We remember the victims of the Holocaust, we remember to continue the...
Parashat Shemot – Who am I?

Parashat Shemot – Who am I?

In Les Miserables, when Jean Valjean contemplates allowing an innocent man to suffer the fate meant for him, he ultimately decides to stop hiding his true identity and face the consequences of disappearing from his parole – and we understand this decision when he...
Parashat VaYishlach

Parashat VaYishlach

As our Akiva players begin their first performances of The Magic Lamp, they are full of excitement and nervous energy.  Over the last few months, they have studied their lines, memorized their cues and rehearsed their dances – they have all worked so hard – but...
Parashat Vayetzei

Parashat Vayetzei

This week we are fortunate to have as our guest blogger, Rabbi Lisa Grushcow, Akiva parent and Senior Rabbi of Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom. Shabbat Shalom.     In this parsha, Jacob has a dream with a ladder, and angels going up and down. God reassures him...