The tallit is one of the most familiar symbols of Judaism. The commandment behind the tallit is found at the end of our parsha, in the mitzvah to wear tzizit, string fringes at the edges of any four cornered garment. Tzitzit is so fundamental to Judaism, that the...

Parshat Noach – Tzelem Elokim – How can I be like God?
The book of Genesis is a book that itself could be studied over an entire year and the reader would still be left with many questions. When we study the books of the Torah and perhaps the book of Genesis in particular, we need to look at the stories and ideas on both...
Parshat Noach – Healthy Rainbow Kebabs!
To remember the rainbow that God sent as a reminder that he would never again bring a flood to the world, why not try this beautiful and healthy rainbow of fruit kebabs!
Please enjoy this thoughtful introduction to the book of Genesis by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks…
Some holiday reading for Simchat Torah… Bereishit-The-Genesis-of-Justice – Rabbi Sacks
Sukkot, Shabbat and Paula Abdul – It’s all about keeping it together!
On the holiday of Sukkot, we celebrate our successful agricultural harvest with the four species. The lulav, made up of the willow, myrtle and palm branches, is taken together with the etrog. One of the many meanings ascribed in the Midrash to the four species is that...