Laurent Elkrief – Class of 2005
Name: Laurent Elkrief
Graduating Year:2005
High School: Herzliah High School
University: McGill University – Neuroscience Major
1. How did Akiva prepare you for high school?
Going into high school I felt prepared. I was felt ahead and from the get go never felt behind. Akiva not only prepared me for high school academically, but socially as well. Akiva is a school that promotes individuality and self expression. It is because of my teachers and the atmosphere at Akiva that the transition to high school, without my best friends, was smooth and easy.
2. What was the most important thing that you learned from your experience at Akiva?
To be myself, no matter what
3. What were your fondest memories at Akiva?
Grade 6 Basketball team, book jacket fashion show and grade 6 day.
4. Why should a parent choose to send their child to Akiva?
Akiva school is a nurturing environment. It is a place that a child can learn to be proud of whom they are. They promote creativity and intellectuality. It is a place where it is cool to be smart. Most importantly it is a place that is fun to go to.
5. What was your desired profession when you graduated Akiva? Where are you at now?
I wanted to be a doctor when I was in grade 6. I am now finishing my bachelor’s degree at Mcgill and majoring in Neuroscience.