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Rabbi Grossman’s Blog Corner
Rabbi Grossman's Corner

The Number Fifty
Jun 6, 2019
The number fifty holds special significance for the Jewish people. This weekend we complete the Counting of the Omer, the fifty-day count from the holiday of Passover to the festival of Shavuot, the latter of which is observed this Sunday and Monday. For the past...

Expo ’19
May 23, 2019
This Victoria Day, I made a pilgrimage to the site of the glorious Expo ’67 World Fair. Just over 50 years ago, Montreal was the venue for an exposition that displayed the greatest achievements of human innovation and creativity in the mid 20th century. Two years...

Generation to Generation
May 16, 2019
When the Israelites arrived in the Promised Land, they brought with them four objects they had acquired at various occasions during their journey. Each item bore witness to a story from their past, and carried with it lessons that would be transmitted to...

“You shall be Holy, for I, the Lord your God, am Holy.”
May 8, 2019
“You shall be Holy, for I, the Lord your God, am Holy.” In these, the opening words of this week’s parasha, we have the essential credo of the Jewish religion. We are commanded by God to emulate Him and His ways, what is called in Jewish and general...

The value of math
May 1, 2019
Math is a priority at Akiva because it is important for our students to develop mathematical skill and reasoning that will benefit them throughout their lives. Over the past years, we have introduced new methodologies and techniques in the teaching of...
Apr 16, 2019
The festival of Passover is all about relationships. On Passover the Israelites ended their oppressive relationship with the Egyptians and entered into a new relationship with God. In a few days, Jews around the world will sit down to sedarim with family and friends,...
Following the Moon
Apr 11, 2019
Since the dawn of humanity, most nations have lived their lives by the sun. Ancient peoples turned the sun into a god; they looked to the most powerful body in the sky—the source of light, warmth, and life itself—and worshipped it as a deity. Apollo, Athena, and...

The sounds of Jewish music
Mar 28, 2019
The topic of this week’s Torah portion is the Tabernacle, the tent-shrine that served as the religious center of the Israelites throughout their wanderings in the desert and during their early years of settlement in the land of Canaan. In fact, the...

Parashat Tzav – Dvar Torah
Mar 22, 2019
By Guest Blogger: Bonnie Levine, Akiva parent and Board MemberOver the last several years our family has rented a home in the Laurentians during the winter months. We relish our time together at this special little hideaway, spending quality time with our...

Chag Purim Sameach – Message from the Head of School
Mar 21, 2019
There are four mitzvot, four commandments that we are required to perform on Purim: Listening to the reading of the Megillah, partaking of a festive meal, sending gifts of food to friends, and giving alms to the poor. Though these requirements seem...