Dental treatment under light surface anesthesia is often used not only during implantation, but also during routine dental treatment. In general, at its core it is not so much anesthesia as just a shallow sleep.

If we look more deeply at the difference between sleep and anesthesia in dental treatment, then we can say that there is no anesthesia as such in dental practice: there is just general anesthesia. This is sleep, pain relief, and neurovegetative protection at the same time.

This method of dental treatment is resorted to if a person is simply afraid to visit a dentist or if there is a neglected disease that requires more serious treatment. The patient's desire to carry out treatment in a comfortable environment, without feeling unpleasant moments during dental treatment, is also not excluded.

However, there are more significant indications: for example, an increased gag reflex. Thus, what we often call dental treatment under anesthesia is actually ordinary sedation (sleep).

It is recommended to start treatment with drug sedation, and only if this is not possible for a number of reasons, it is recommended to proceed to general anesthesia. But here it is worth mentioning right away: general anesthesia is possible only in a large medical center with an intensive care unit.

If we talk about the advantages of sedation compared to general anesthesia, it should be noted that it is much safer and more comfortable for the patient. The comfort lies in the minimal use of a sleeping drug, as a result of which, when leaving sedation, a person feels much better than when leaving anesthesia.

The safety of sedation is due to the fact that it proceeds like a normal night's sleep, and a person can be easily woken up at any moment. During sedation, there is also no inhibition of swallowing and vomiting functions: it is this phenomenon that contributes to safe treatment in the oral cavity.

Regarding any consequences of the use of sedation in dentistry, none were identified. A prerequisite is compliance with certain norms and rules of application. There are a number of drugs that can completely eliminate the residual sedation phenomenon.

It should be noted that the drugs used for sedation have exclusively hypnotic properties and are devoid of any narcotic properties, and also do not cause addiction.

At the initial consultation, you should definitely tell your dentist about past and chronic diseases so that he can identify obvious contraindications to the use of sedation. There are cases when some concomitant diseases even have mandatory indications.

How to prepare for sedation?

* Stop eating 4 hours in advance
* Exclude strong alcoholic and stimulating drinks per day
* Conduct minimal laboratory tests in each specific case Click to authorize on the gaming platform.
