The “F” Word

Chidushim B’Chinuch—Insights into Education Third of an Ongoing Series There is a terrible and frightening moment in parenting when your child first uses the “F” word.  Worst of all is when the object of the “F” word is you.  Here is how it plays out.  In response to...

Schools and Rules

Chidushim B’Chinuch—Insights into EducationSecond of an ongoing seriesThere is an elite private school in New England that had a student handbook which, as of the last time I checked, contained only one rule.  Pushing back on the endless injunctions that litter...

New beginnings…

Welcome back!  We are so happy to see everyone return to school rested, revived and ready for a joyful and productive year of learning.  A special welcome to all of our new Akiva families joining us this year; we are so happy to have you with us. This is a time of new...