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My Jewish Journey

Deborah Abecassis Warshawsky, Director of Jewish Life and Learning, shares insights on lessons from the Torah, Jewish customs and traditions and inspirational thoughts for personal growth.

Parshat Noach – What makes a successful leader?

Parshat Noach – What makes a successful leader?

The beginning of the Torah is not a short and sweet story. The narratives of Creation, Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, and Cain and Abel, leave us struggling to understand the mysteries of human behavior. Life and death, jealousy and responsibility are just some...

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Extreme Giving

Extreme Giving

Last week I shared some thoughts on the Sukkah and happiness. This week I’d like to continue the discussion from another angle. We spoke about how people who find true happiness are people who find meaning in their lives.  This week, I’d like to emphasize a...

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Sukkot customs and mitzvot

Sukkot customs and mitzvot

Shana tova. I hope that you all had easy and meaningful fasts, as well as opportunities to think about your own personal growth and goals for the coming year. On our Jewish journey, we will be making many stops together to learn, and reflecting on the meaning of the...

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I have a confession…

I have a confession…

Shana tova to my new Akiva School family! I hope that everyone had a meaningful holiday, filled with prayers, delicious meals, family and friends. As we set out on our Jewish Journey, I look forward to getting each other and to meeting everyone in the near future....

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