Daniel arrives home from work at 5pm and as soon as he steps through his front door, his wife Judith starts having a go at him. “Why don’t you ever wipe your feet before walking into the house? ….. I thought you said you were coming home at lunch time today …… Where’s...

Parashat Shemini – Warnings
They were 2 1/2 and 1 years old. The younger of the two was of more solid build, stronger, and not much smaller in size than the older. And she loved her big sister fiercely. One day, in this spirit of love and fun, she climbed onto her older sister and hugged her...
Message for Purim
Deborah Abecassis Director of Jewish Life and Learning The story of Purim has all the components of a great fairy tale or Disney movie – a silly king and an evil villain, the beautiful Queen heroine and the wise old man. The kingdom’s wealth and the months-long...
Parashat Tzav – The “rite” clothes
When my daughter was 3-years-old, she chose to wear only skirts and dresses. It fit with her definition of pretty, princess, and fashionable. One Sunday afternoon, my husband asked her if she’d like to join him on an errand to the hardware store....
Parashat Vayikra – Sacrifices
Deborah Abecassis Warshawsky. Carb-free, fat-free, gluten-free, sugar-free, dairy-free, meat-free. Many of us, at some point, have resolved to drastically change the way we eat from one day to the next. Each Monday morning, people everywhere are cutting out...