Annual Akiva Kindergarten Teddy Bear Clinic

Annual Akiva Kindergarten Teddy Bear Clinic

Every year, the Kindergarten classes organize a session where our Kindergarten students bring their favourite teddy bear or stuffed toy to the “Teddy Bear Clinic”. The clinic consists of different stations run by Akiva parents who work in the medical field and explain...
You Belong

You Belong

I echo the words of the Psalmist, imo anochi b’tzarah—I am with you in your sorrow.  I join the voices of the people of Pittsburgh, Jews and decent people everywhere, in pain and distress over the events of this past Shabbat.  Imo anochi b’tzarah, I am with you in...
You Belong

Shabbat has kept the Jews

“It may be said without exaggeration that more than the Jews have kept the Sabbath, it is the Sabbath that has kept the Jews.” So wrote Asher Zvi Ginsberg in his celebrated 1898 essay, “Shabbes and Zionism.”  This quip became the writer’s most famous quote, but what...
You Belong

History Repeats Itself

In this week’s Torah portion we are introduced to the first Israelites—Abraham and his family.  Abraham and these early Israelites go down to Egypt because there is a famine in the Land of Canaan/Israel; when they get to Egypt, Abraham is afraid that he, being a male,...