

We packed a lot of Sukkot activities into our very short week.  Many of our classes were able to visit our school sukkah before the rain started.  They enjoyed a sweet treat of challah and honey, made the blessings on the lulav and etrog and had a little lesson...
Parashat Nitzavim – Shana Tova

Parashat Nitzavim – Shana Tova

As we are about to begin our month of holidays, the parashah we read this Shabbat – Parashat Nitzavim – has an important message to bear in mind. For this commandment that I command you today, it is not hidden from you and it is not distant.  It is not in the heavens,...
Parashat Ki Tetze – Give and Grow

Parashat Ki Tetze – Give and Grow

On Wednesday, our school participated in Federation CJA’s Feed the Truck.  All week, the children brought in bags of non-perishable kosher food items for the community’s food banks.  This concrete, tangible activity opens the door for important conversations on...