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Feb 7, 2018
This week we have two very special guest bloggers, Dr. Barry Levy and his grandson, Judah Levy. Shabbat Shalom! Parashat Mishpatim contains one of the Torah's central legal texts. It is neither the first such text, nor the last, but several essential classes of law...
Jan 29, 2018
In this week’s parshah, the Israelites travel through the desert towards Mount Sinai. There they prepare themselves to receive God’s Torah. Moses’ father-in-law, Yitro, brings Moses’ wife and children to meet up with him, and he offers Moses the valuable advice of...
Jan 24, 2018
Carrie Mazoff Akiva parent and almuna Shortly after Am Israel leaves Egypt, Pharaoh changes his mind and chases after them. Of course, the Israelites find themselves trapped between Pharaoh’s men and the red sea. When G‑d instructs Moses to raise his staff over the...
Jan 24, 2018
My daughter cut herself slicing a bagel the other morning. “Ah! I cut myself! What should I do?” My back was to her, so I turned briefly to look at her, and instinct told me this was more of a nick than a cut. With every ounce of restraint I could muster, I turned...
Jan 17, 2018
This week, I'd like to share a D'var Torah from Rabbi Sacks on Parashat Bo: The Necessity of Asking Questions By Rabbi Sacks Shabbat Shalom, Debbie
Jan 10, 2018
As parents, we anticipate the dangers our children may encounter and we attempt as best we can to protect them and teach them and guide them as they grow. When they are little, we remove all tiny items that may cause choking from within their reach. As their...
Dec 20, 2017
By Guest Blogger: Maharat Rachel Kohl Finegold In Parshat Vayigash, the brothers are locked in a struggle against Joseph (although they do not know his true identity, and they think he is an Egyptian ruler). The story unfolds like a dramatic movie or play… perhaps...
Dec 13, 2017
This week, our guest blogger is Rabbi Grushcow, Akiva parent and Senior Rabbi at Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom: Our parsha, Miketz, continues the drama of Joseph and his brothers. Towards the end of the parsha, Joseph – whose brothers sold him into slavery – has risen...
Dec 5, 2017
We’ve all laughed at the infamous adage: do as I say not as I do. Whether we’re telling our children to put down their electronic devices as we answer an email and text a friend, or insist they eat dinner before dessert as we brush away the crumbs from cookies we...
Nov 27, 2017
For this week's Parashat, I'd like to pass along the following article... Facing Our Anxieties and Moving On VAYISHLACH, GENESIS 32:4−36:43 Shabbat Shalom, Debbie