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My Jewish Journey

Deborah Abecassis Warshawsky, Director of Jewish Life and Learning, shares insights on lessons from the Torah, Jewish customs and traditions and inspirational thoughts for personal growth.

Parashat Toldot – Nurturing the individual

Parashat Toldot – Nurturing the individual

Our guest blogger this week is school president Patrick Essiminy who offered the following Dvar Torah at Akiva’s Annual General Meeting on Tuesday morning.   Parashat Toldot – Nurturing the individual. This week’s parasha is Toldot, which means the descendants....

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Parsha Vayera

Parsha Vayera

This week we are fortunate to have as our guest blogger, Jessica Yaffe Balinsky, Akiva parent and board member. Shabbat Shalom.       In October of 2016, Bob Dylan won the Nobel Prize for Literature. One of his best-loved songs, Highway 61 Revisited,...

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Parashat Lekh Lekha – Your Shabbat Journey

Parashat Lekh Lekha – Your Shabbat Journey

The simple definition of the word journey is the act of travelling from one place to another, but I believe the word conveys a lot more than driving to the grocery store.  A journey implies a process in which you are changed or in which you learn something. If going...

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Parashat Noah – Unified words

Parashat Noah – Unified words

My youngest daughter was discussing with her sisters possibilities for the catchphrase of kindness she would try and use more often this month as part of Akiva School’s Derekh Eretz program.  She had some good ideas – don’t give up, I’ll help, thank you – all phrases...

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Parashat Bereishit – Loving siblings

Parashat Bereishit – Loving siblings

Over the many days of holiday in the last few weeks, my family has been playing the game Apples to Apples.  In each round, one player is the judge and must decide which among the cards the other players submit best represents the adjective revealed at the beginning of...

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We packed a lot of Sukkot activities into our very short week.  Many of our classes were able to visit our school sukkah before the rain started.  They enjoyed a sweet treat of challah and honey, made the blessings on the lulav and etrog and had a little lesson...

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Parashat Va-Yelekh – To hear and to learn

Parashat Va-Yelekh – To hear and to learn

This Rosh Hashanah I loved sitting in synagogue with my daughters.  But I didn’t always. I always loved synagogue, but what I enjoyed was the quiet singular purpose of listening, following along in the prayer book, being alone with my thoughts while together with the...

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Parashat Nitzavim – Shana Tova

Parashat Nitzavim – Shana Tova

As we are about to begin our month of holidays, the parashah we read this Shabbat – Parashat Nitzavim – has an important message to bear in mind. For this commandment that I command you today, it is not hidden from you and it is not distant.  It is not in the heavens,...

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