Faces of Akiva

Faces of Akiva

Bella Widman Akiva Grandparent “… I came to Canada 26 years ago following my children…  I grew up in a Jewish home in a tiny city in the mountains where I lived just outside of Rio, Brazil. My parents always taught me that being Jewish was important but it was not...
Akiva Strategic Plan 2016-2019

Akiva Strategic Plan 2016-2019

With our updated Strategic Plan 2016-19, Akiva School is committed to moving forward with a clear focus on providing continued academic excellence, strong Jewish values and solid leadership for a brilliant future. Akiva Strategic Plan 2016-19
Faces of Akiva

Faces of Akiva

Tali, Akiva teacher and parent “I came to Canada from Israel over 16 years ago. After completing university, I followed my husband here… I chose to take a temporary job that was offered to me – to work in a Jewish day school… When I worked in the school, I felt...