My Jewish Journey
Deborah Abecassis Warshawsky, Director of Jewish Life and Learning, shares insights on lessons from the Torah, Jewish customs and traditions and inspirational thoughts for personal growth.
Hugging and Wrestling – Parshat Vayishlach
Jacob is finally going to come face to face with his estranged brother Esau at the beginning of this week’s parsha. Twenty years earlier, Jacob had taken advantage of Esau, grabbing Esau’s birthright and stealing Esau’s blessings from their father. Jacob had to flee a...
Parshat Vayishlach – Recipe Idea
In the Torah reading this week, Yaacov is reunited with his brother Esav. Though Yaacov is fearful that the reunion will be difficult because of their past struggles, the brothers reunite with a hug. In honour of this week’s parsha, I am sharing a “hug” recipe....
Parsha Challah Idea for Vayetze
In this week’s Torah portion, Jacob has escaped from his brother and runs to the house of his uncle Lavan. On his way to his uncle, Jacob dreams of a ladder that stretches up from earth to heavens. There are angels of God ascending and descending the ladder. Jacob...
Parshat Toldot
This week I am excited to have a guest blog from my son Hillel Steinmetz, who is currently studying at Yeshivat Maale Gilboa in Israel. Shabbat Shalom. Parshat Toldot Man's natures have been classically divided into two. There is the intellectual man and the...
Parshat Toldot- The Story of Jacob and Esav
Our parsha is centered on the lives of the twins of Isaac and Rebecca. The twins are different in every way. One afternoon after a long day of hunting, Esav sells his birthright to inherit the possessions of his father, to his brother Jacob for a pot of red, lentil...
Parsha recipe Idea for Chayei Sara
This week’s parsha includes the story of finding a suitable bride for Isaac. Eliezer, Abraham’s servant, is told to go to Abraham’s place of birth to look for a wife for his only son Isaac. Eliezer asks Abraham how he will know which young girl to choose. Abraham...
Weekly Torah Portion: Vayera – Abraham – Defining Chessed
Abraham’s most prominent virtue is loving kindness, or “chesed” in Hebrew. We read about two events in this week’s Torah reading that exemplify this. At the beginning of the Parsha, Abraham greets strangers passing by his tent and extends his hospitality toward them....
Parshat Vayera Craft Activity – Welcome Mat
Parshat Vayera Craft Activity- Welcome Mat (From Purchase a bamboo or similar plain mat or placemat from the dollar store. Paint or write the word “Welcome” or B”ruchim Habaim” in the center of the mat. Decorate the mat with any type of art supplies...
Parshat Lech Lecha – Have you got the right moves?
“And the Lord said to Abram, "Go forth from your land and from your birthplace and from your father's house, to the land that I will show you.” Every day, we face challenges. Some are relatively undemanding, while others are more difficult; and some of those...
Parshat Lech Lecha Recipe Idea
Cinnamon Sugar Cookies (from If you bake these for just the right amount of time they come out real soft and chewy. Shape the cookies into: a) stars- to symbolize the blessing that God gives Abraham that he will have many children, just like the stars...